Thursday, February 16, 2012


Kente is a metal forged in the riddles of the loom
Sold at the market of nine moons
Basic to the piano
Played on the eye.

I would not pay a bard to sing this riddle, lest he miss a line
Of the weaver’s cold dreams
Harvested from the starless sky of his roof
The bird of dreams perches and raises this song:

“Pass it here and stick it there
Kro-kro-kro w’ate?” (kro-kro-kro, have you heard?)
Then the helms water breaks
And cock calls his boast
Kokrokoo! Kokrokoo!

The master weaver starts to dance
And loses himself in the dazing steps
“Kro-kro-kro and again pass it here, stick it here and over again”
Till the songbird stops, and the dancer is dropped from the realms of dreams.

Kente is a metal that graces the victor’s shield
Whose story is yet to be ended from the beginning
The blood of the weaver
An African statement.


  1. You have really woven this poem to take my mind through the loom. Kente being a metal. tell me more

  2. Kente cloth, known locally as nwentoma, is a
    type of silk and cotton fabric made of
    interwoven cloth strips and is
    native to the Akan people of Ghana
    "Kente cloth" has its origin with the Akan
    people. It is a royal and sacred cloth worn
    only in times of extreme importance. Kente
    was the cloth of kings. Over time, the use of
    kente became more widespread, however its
    importance has remained and it is held in
    high esteem in the Akan family and the entire
    country of Ghana.
    In Ghana, kente is made by the Akan people
    (including the Asante, Bono, Fante and
    Nzema). Kente is also produced by Akan
    groups in Cote d'Ivoire, like the Baoule and
    Anyin, who trace their ancestry back to Ghana
    before the rise of the Ashanti Empire. Lastly,
    Kente is worn by other groups like the Ewe
    and Ga who have been influenced by Akans. It
    is the best known of all African textiles. Kente
    comes from the word kenten, which means
    "basket." The Akan peoples refer to kente as
    Nwentoma or "woven cloth".
    The icon of African cultural heritage around
    the world, Asante kente is identified by its
    dazzling, multicolored patterns of bright
    colors, geometric shapes and bold designs.
    Kente characterized by weft designs woven
    into every available block of plain weave is
    called adweneasa. The Asante peoples of
    Ghana choose kente cloths as much for their
    names as their colors and patterns. Although
    the cloths are identified primarily by the
    patterns found in the lengthwise (warp)
    threads, there is often little correlation
    between appearance and name. Names are
    derived from several sources, including
    proverbs, historical events, important chiefs,
    queen mothers, and plants.
    Nana Asare, good job boss!!!!

  3. The rhythm and depth to this poem leaves me speechless..Keep it up...! You inspire me to write again

  4. fire fog beats my mind..........CONGRATS

  5. You are a deep deep poet. Keep soaring
