From the summit of the black pulpit
Our prophets delivered the sermon of redemption
Then one after the other they faded before our eyes
Slain on the altars of the martyrs
To be replaced by the demagogues of doom.
There is no place like home
Home sweet home
Africa is my home
There is no place like Africa.
Grant me audience any day
And I will imbue you with Africa.
Our strong spirit, hospitability,
And innovativeness keep the world going.
The dancing floor of the creator,
Threshing floor of the moon
Bed of the undying eye of God
Cradle of civilisation.
Have you seen the Nile,
Or the mighty Volta?
The golden Sahara
Or the homely Niagara
The beautiful savannah
Or the indomitable lions?
The elegant ostriches
Or great ’lephanto?
Then you would understand.
Captivating virgins whose smiles could change theweather
Strong men who could walk the world like a mile
Elegance beyond the sky breachers,
Bravery surpassing Napoleon
The pyramids, a wonder.
That is Africa, my Africa.
I'm glad to see that you are blogging now. Nice piece